এই সাইট এ তোমাদের সাগতম

এখানে তোমার জন্য আমি সব ইংলিশ লেটার ইমেইল সব দিয়ে দিব অ্যান্ড সহজ করে ওকে


বুধবার, ১৮ নভেম্বর, ২০১৫

Pahela Baishakh

Pahela Baishakh
Pahela Baishakh is the first day of the Bangla New Year. The day is celebrated with traditional festivities across the country. Different Socio-cultural organizations draw up elaborate programmes to celebrate the day. It is a public holiday. This day’s first programme begins at dawn at Ramana Batamul. Chhayanat, a leading cultural organization begins the program at dawn at Ramna Batomul. A large number of people wearing traditional dresses attend the programme. Bangladesh Betar and Bangladesh Television air special program to celebrate the day. National dailies bring out special supplements on the day. The students of Fine Arts of Dhaka University (FIA) bring out a colourful prosession wearing masks, bearing festoons, posters, placards and sing “eso hey Baishakh eso eso,” Shilpakala academy, Jatiya press club, Bulbul Lalitakala academy many other cultural organizations arrange various program on their academy premises. In the rural area different Baishakhi Mela are held where all classes of village people attend and they enjoy Bangla New Year. In fact, Pahela Baishakh has become an outstanding occasion with the life of the Bangladesh.

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